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座垫、脚垫、座套、靠垫、靠枕、方向盘套、挂件、汽车车罩、遮阳用品、地毯、地板胶、钥匙扣、点烟器、保温壶、公仔、风铃、太阳镜、晴雨档、排档锁、车牌架、温度计、备胎罩、挡泥板、气压表、饰件、摆件、隔热棉、HID汽车大灯、大包围、定风翼、行李架、扶手箱、车载冰箱、隔音材料、脚踏板、天线、挡泥板、雨刮片、玻璃升降器、汽车音响、保险杠、排气管、消声器、门腕、不锈钢饰条、车载电视、车载 DVD、车载 MP3 、汽车低音炮、车载显示器、汽车扬声器、汽车电动窗、车载打气泵、车用吸尘器等……【查看详情】

深圳市欧野机械有限公司 地 址:深圳福田区梅林路福多工业区 联系人:代先生 手 机:18823852826(深圳) 15338368035(东莞) 电 话:0769-89802030 微 信:oyea1688 公众号:szoyea E-mail:1659590865@qq.com oyea1688@gmail.com



Esko/Kongsberg Bld-Sr6223 Blade

Esko/Kongsberg  Bld- S r6223  Blade Recommended use Long life tungsten carbide blade. Works well with most kind of corrugated board Cutting Info Material Sub Category Thickness Method Carpet materials w/ rubber backing High frequency oscillating Carpet materials w/ rubber backing Oscillating Corrugated B flute Single Wall (virgin) Oscillating Corrugated B flute Single Wall (virgin) High frequency oscillating Corrugated AB flute Double Wall (virgin) Oscillating Corrugated AB flute Double Wall (virgin) High frequency oscillating Corrugated plastic 5-10mm High frequency oscillating Foamboard w/ paper surface < 6mm High frequency oscillating Foamboard w/ paper surface < 6mm Oscillating Vinyl banner Oscillating Specifications OYEA Knives manufactures and supplies a full line of both STANDARD and CUSTOM leather cutting knives and blades. All of our standard leather cutting knives are manufactured to exceed the exact OEM standards. ...

Lectra Cutter Blade Vector 2500 89x1.5x5.5/3.5mm, PARTS No.801220

Lectra Cutter Blade  Vector 2500 89x1.5x5.5/3.5mm,  PARTS No.801220                                            More models size:  Length*Width*Thickness  • 97 85x0.8x4mm  •Vector 2500 89x1.5x5.5/3.5mm, PARTS No.801220  •Vector 2500 89x1.5x5.5mm PARTS No.801224  •Vector 5000 296x2.0x7mm  •Vector 5000 296x3.0x7mm  •Vector 7000 360x2.4x7mm 116802 360*8.5*3mm 801217  •Vector 7000 360x2.4x8.5mm 112295  •Vector S96 Cutter Knife 296 x 3 x 8.5mm  •Vectorfasion MP9 MP6: 364mmX8.5mmX2.4mm 801269  •Vectorfasion MP6: 295mmX8.5mmX2.4mm 454g/box  • 89x0.8x4mm  •113X2.0X7.5/6 without hollow ground  •113X2.0X7.5/6 H HOLLO  •113X2.0X7.5/6 HOLLOW/NARROW TIP  •113X2.0X7.5/6 STRAIGHT TIP  •114X3.0X9.5/6 without hollow ground  •VECTOR 500/5000 296 x 2.0x 7mm HOLLOW/LONG BEVEL  •VECTOR 500/...

Zund Z68 Oscillating blade

Zund Z68 Oscillating blade OYEA Knives manufactures and supplies a full line of both STANDARD and CUSTOM leather cutting knives and blades. All of our standard leather cutting knives are manufactured to exceed the exact OEM standards.            If you have more questions to know ,please contact us .   Tel: +86-0769-88014625 Phone Number: +86- 18823852826      Email:  o yea1688@ gmail.com                1659590865@qq.com Web:  www.china-oyea.com We warmly welcome every customer to send us drawings for making customized product.   Contact with us ,you will get more than what you can !