Shenzhen Oyea Machinery Co., Ltd.: 七招解决裁剪数控裁剪机精度(二): 共同见证现代化高新技术支撑下成熟的裁剪功能。 1、真空吸附功能避免布料错位 电脑裁床 可以提高精度,可以完全避免手工裁剪造成的误差。用传统的电裁刀来裁剪,对于一般布料还行,但对于一些弹性大,非常光滑的面料如泳装,虽然可以裁剪,但很容易造成布料滑落,裁片变...
Esko/Kongsberg Bld- S r6223 Blade Recommended use Long life tungsten carbide blade. Works well with most kind of corrugated board Cutting Info Material Sub Category Thickness Method Carpet materials w/ rubber backing High frequency oscillating Carpet materials w/ rubber backing Oscillating Corrugated B flute Single Wall (virgin) Oscillating Corrugated B flute Single Wall (virgin) High frequency oscillating Corrugated AB flute Double Wall (virgin) Oscillating Corrugated AB flute Double Wall (virgin) High frequency oscillating Corrugated plastic 5-10mm High frequency oscillating Foamboard w/ paper surface < 6mm High frequency oscillating Foamboard w/ paper surface < 6mm Oscillating Vinyl banner Oscillating Specifications OYEA Knives manufactures and supplies a full line of both STANDARD and CUSTOM leather cutting knives and blades. All of our standard leather cutting knives are manufactured to exceed the exact OEM standards. ...